Moment Generating Functions
Define Moment Generating Functions
Discuss Properties
Moment Generating Functions
Poisson Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
MGF Properties
The \(k\)th moment is defined as the expectation of the random variable, raised to the \(k\)th power, defined as \(E(X^k)\).
The moment generating functions is used to obtain the \(k\)th moment. The mgf is defined as
\[ m(t) = E(e^{tX}) \]
The \(k\)th moment can be obtained by taking the \(k\)th derivative of the mgf, with respect to \(t\), and setting \(t\) equal to 0:
\[ E(X^k)=\frac{d^km(t)}{dt}\Bigg|_{t=0} \]
Moment Generating Functions
Poisson Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
MGF Properties
Moment Generating Functions
Poisson Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
MGF Properties
Moment Generating Functions
Poisson Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
MGF Properties
Moment Generating Functions
Poisson Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
MGF Properties
Moment Generating Functions
Poisson Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
MGF Properties
Let \(X\) follow a distribution \(f\), with the an MGF \(M_X(t)\), the MGF of \(Y=aX+b\) is given as
\[ M_Y(t) = e^{tb}M_X(at) \]
Let \(X\) and \(Y\) be two random variables with MGFs \(M_X(t)\) and \(M_Y(t)\), respectively, and are independent. The MGF of \(U=X-Y\)
\[ M_U(t) = M_X(t)M_Y(-t) \]
Let \(X\) and \(Y\) have the following distributions \(F_X(x)\) and \(F_Y(y)\) and MGFs \(M_X(t)\) and \(M_Y(t)\), respectively. \(X\) and \(Y\) have the same distribution \(F_X(x)=F_Y(y)\) if and only if \(M_X(t)=M_Y(t)\).
Let \(X_1,\cdots, X_n\) be independent random variables, where \(X_i\sim N(\mu_i, \sigma^2_i)\), with \(M_{X_i}(t)=\exp\{\mu_i t+\sigma^2_it^2/2\}\) for \(i=1,\cdots, n\). Find the MGF of \(Y=a_1X_1+\cdots+a_nX_n\), where \(a_1, \cdots, a_n\) are constants.